At this time, the ALMIGHTY Aiken (SC) Alumni Chapter’s focus is to embody the interests of the fraternity and demonstrate its ability to lead and serve in the community. If you have been away from the Bond, are new to the area, or desiring a chapter to call home where there is work being done to better our youth, then the brothers of the Aiken (SC) Alumni Chapter welcomes you!
The ALMIGHTY AAC encourages all long lost members of the Noble Klan to become active members of the chapter. If you are a resident of the area and want to get back involved with the Bond, please contact our Reclamation Committee Chairman through the email below and we will help you get started on the process of returning back home to Kappa.
Reclamation will not stop until we bring all brothers who are not active and without a chapter home back to Kappa. It’s our intent to “promote the spiritual, social, intellectual, and moral welfare of all members” and “to develop a closer union among Brothers”.
Our chapter meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Jacket and tie are required dress. After our meetings, there is “bonding” time at a local establishment.
If ever there were a time when all men of Kappa needed to unite behind a common set of objectives, the time is now! So, on behalf of the chapter, welcome home to Kappa!
Yours In The Bond,
Brother Larry Brown
Reclamation Chairman