Initiated March 26, 1964 into the Beta Zeta Chapter at Alabama State University in Montgomery, AL. Brother Baxter is a charter member of the Almighty Aiken (SC) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc., Lifetime Member and 50 Year Brother. Brother Baxter is the true definition of a Kappa Man.
In his words: When speaking of experiences as a Kappa, my greatest was on November 21, 1964 when I crossed the "burning sands" into the Beta Zeta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. at Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL. The phrase "NONE GREATER, THAN BETA ZETA" still burns like an inferno in my soul. Then in March of 2015, in Atlanta, GA., at the Southeaster Province Council Meeting I was presented my "50 yr. certificate" as a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Now, to the friends of Kappa, I say - Thank You.
To my brothers, I say - YO!